Lakeshore Kids
Sunday Evening
On Sunday Evenings from 5:00 - 6:30 PM, we offer a unique opportunity for your children ages 3 through 12th grade. Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries are ongoing year-round classes. The classes are built around an advancement system where children are given the opportunity to earn badges, memorize scripture, learn to be leaders for Christ and much more. Every child is welcome even if it is for only one semester, but we highly encourage every family to continue to bring their children to help them really get the full experience.
Royal Rangers is America's premier, most sought-after mentoring ministry for next-generation men! Today's boy is tomorrow's man. The best time to train a man is while he's still a boy. By mobilizing, inspiring, and resourcing mentors, Royal Rangers offers character and servant leadership education to boys and young men (K-12) in a highly relational, fun, and interactive environment.
Girls Ministries is a mentoring and Bible study program for girls (Ages 3 and up). What better time to train up a woman than while she is still a girl! God has called every girl to live for Him in every way. Girls Ministries is dedicated to giving each girl a chance to follow Christ and discover their true relationship with God as their Father and Jesus as their friend. The girls also do many activities throughout the year, such as camping, service projects and much more.