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Precept Bible Study - 1,2,3 John

About this Group

This class will begin on February 27.

We will begin the study of 1, 2 & 3 John.
Precept is an inductive Bible study that involves individual study during the week and then coming together for class discussion and a video. In this study, we will explore questions like, "How do you know if you're really born again?" "What does it mean to be holy?" "What does it mean to love God?"  "How do you know the truth?" Find answers to these and other questions as you take an in-depth look at several fundamentals of Christian beliefs. 

Requirements: Purchase workbook at the first class

Group Details

Group Type: Everyone Welcome
Meeting Days: Thursday
Meeting Time: 9:30 am
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Focus: Bible Study
Childcare: Childcare Supplement Forms Available Online
Location: Lakeshore Church - Room 305
Map It 5575 Hwy 205 South
Rockwall, TX

Leader: Sheri Overby and Nancy Jones

Sheri Overby and Nancy Jones
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