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Lakeshore is all about children! Lakeshore Kids provides an exciting, fun and safe environment for children Birth through 5th grade. Your children will be encouraged and will have an opportunity to experience firsthand the love of Christ! Our heart is for Sunday to be your child’s BEST day of the week. We want to give every child the chance to know Christ, to grow and mature in Christ, and to show Christ in their lives!

Safety & Security: Your child’s safety is our utmost priority. Our Lakeshore Kids staff is comprised of parents, as well as staff and volunteer workers, who love children and are trained in appropriate security and safety procedures. Background checks are performed on all workers, and the children’s classrooms are accessible through one secured check-in point.

Check-in and Pick-up Procedures: All children, (Birth - 5th grade) are checked into Lakeshore Kids through the Check-In Desk located on the north front section of the building. This is also where you will pick them up.


A Parent/Legal Guardian must be present when checking in their children. Upon your first visit, or at your request, we will provide your family with a unique barcode to scan for checking your family in.

At one of the self-check-in computers, scan your family’s barcode or key in your contact phone number. A unique family security code label and two labels for each child will print. Place one label on each corresponding child and retain the remaining labels until you pick up your child(ren).


After the service, please present your child(ren)’s name tags to the Check-In Door Attendant to gain access to the children’s area. No one will be granted access to the children’s area without name tags.

Present your child’s name tag at the door of their classroom. The teacher will confirm your child’s name and security code matches and release your child to exit with you. Repeat this step with each child’s classroom. You will then exit the same security door that you entered through.