
Wynn Alexander Administrative Assistant
Area of ministry: Children's Administrative Assistant
Family: Husband- Josh, Daughter- Olive
Saved: I was saved as a child in children’s church.
Joined Lakeshore Staff: May 11, 2014
Book: Easy Reads- Airport Books
Food: BREAD of any kind
Snack Food: Sweets and Chocolate
Movie: Cheesy Romantic Comedies
TV Shows: Gilmore Girls
CD/Artist/Band/Song: Jesus Culture
Actor/Actress: Kristen Wiig
Season: Fall
Place in the World: My house
Place to Pray: My car
Recreational Activities/Hobbies: Coffee with my friends
Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6
Sports Team: Because I’m married to Josh… Dallas Cowboys
Sport: Really not good at ANY sport
Food: Way too many things to list. Pretty much don’t mix my flavors
Snack Food: Black Licorice
Season: Summer in Texas
Place in the World: An un-air-conditioned bus on windy bumpy super smelly roads in India
Sports Team: Ummm… Whoever the Cowboys are playing?
Best thing someone said to you: Will you marry me?
Life Motto: Live in God’s Perfect Will
Three People I’d Like to Meet: Good question…?
My Hero: My mom, she is my role model as a wife, mom and friend. I know, super sappy J
One of My Greatest Experiences with God: There are so many… my favorite time with God is in worship.
Most People Don’t Know This About Me: Wynn isn’t short for anything but it is my middle name.