
Mitchel Mershawn Associate Pastor
Area of Ministry: Creative/Worship
Family: Mitchel, Amber, Parker, Tucker, Truett, and Lincoln.
Saved: As a kid at kids camp
Joined Lakeshore Staff: (2004)
Book: The Bible: Holy Spirit inspired: The Air I Breathe & Passion by Louie Giglio
Food: Steak, Meat, Cain’s Chicken, Sushi & Starbucks & A&W Root Beer
Snack Food: Fruit & Nuts mix from Costco & Dark Chocolate Almonds
Movie: Cinderella Man, Avengers (any Marvel movie) Captain America, The Patriot & Rudy
TV Shows: Bear Grylls, Food Network, The Office
CD/Artist/Band/Song: Delirious-All, Passion Albums, Tron Reconfigured Soundtrack, Hillsong Young & Free, Christmas Music, Worship
Actor/Actress: Russell Crowe, Tom Hanks, Avenger Heroes…they’re all real, not actors!
Season: Fall (Football, Hunting, Thanksgiving, Pumpkins, my Birthday & Christmas)… No Brainer!!
Place in the World: The beach, the Mountains, the deer stand, wherever my family is
Place to Pray: My office, kitchen table…early morning before everyone wakes up.
Recreational Activities/Hobbies: Running, Camping & Traveling, Art, Music & Photography
Scripture: Isaiah 40:31 & Ephesians 2:10
Sports Team: Dallas Cowboys
Sport: Football & Baseball
Food: coleslaw...nasty!
Snack Food: Dog food…what?
Season: Spring… because I have awful allergies!
Place in the World: Traffic
Sports Team: (The Eagles, New Orleans Saints & Washington Redskins)… cowboy enemies.
Best thing someone said to you: (KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid) – Michael Scott
Life Motto: Be who God made me be, never give up & It’s never too early for Dessert!
Three People I’d Like to Meet: Moses, David & Bear Grylls
My Hero: My Dad & Captain America
One of My Greatest Experiences with God: I remember being in a Night of Worship & the Lord's presence was so real & present & thick & everyone was just silent & awestruck… in His presence. I love those times!
Most People Don’t Know This About Me: I jumped out of a tree on a youth retreat & shattered my leg resulting in a 4-hour surgery, 2 metal plates, 10 screws & a pin.