
Denise Howard Small Groups Director
Area of Ministry: Small Groups/Admin. Asst. to Senior Pastor
Family: Happily married to Brad Howard since 1984. Children Jenni married to Caleb, Kati, Molli and Bradley
Saved: Raised in a Christian Home. Dedicated my life to follow His path in the summer of 1981.
Joined Lakeshore Staff: We came to Lakeshore in May of 1994 and I came on staff in October of 2003.
Book: Any book by Francine Rivers or John Grisham
Food: Anything Brad cooks
Snack Food: chips/hummus
Movie: Sweet Home Alabama
TV Shows: House Hunters International
CD/Artist/Band/Song: Gateway Worship or Hillsong Worship
Actor/Actress: Tom Hanks
Season: Summer
Place in the World: Any beach with white sand
Place to Pray: The office in our home.
Recreational Activities/Hobbies: Watching Brad play golf. I just drive the cart.
Scripture: Prov. 3:5-6
Sports Team: Heath Hawks
Sport: any sport my kids are playing
Food: Liver
Snack Food: no such thing as my least fav snack food
Season: Winter
Place in the World: Traffic
Sports Team: Longhorns
Best thing someone said to you: I do.
Life Motto: Slow and Steady
Three People I’d Like to Meet: Mother Teresa, Dave Ramsey, Barbara Bush
My Hero: My mom and dad
One of My Greatest Experiences with God: When I was 18 years old I remember being in church when it felt like I audibly heard the Lord call me to feed His sheep. Spectacular. I’ll never forget that moment in that blue church.
Most People Don’t Know This About Me: I don't have a favorite color