
Caleb Fauber Connections Pastor
Area of Ministry: Connections Department, Lakeshore Church Interns and the Host Team!!!
Family: On May 19, 2012, I married my wife, the love of my life, Christina.
Saved: I gave my heart to Christ when I was five years old, in the living room of our home. When I was in high school I had ups and downs with my relationship with Christ, but the summer before my junior year, Christ invaded my life and I have never looked back.
Joined Lakeshore Staff: I have had the pleasure of serving alongside this incredible team as a staff member since September of 2009.
Book: Well..The Bible for-sure...a few others that I would recommend are: Crazy Love by Francis Chan, Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer.
Food: Seafood
Snack Food: Whatever is in the pantry!
Movie: I love movies that stir something inside you to be moved to action. Brave heart, Gladiator, Patriot and Cinderella Man.
TV Shows: Most anything with Bear Grills would have to be one of my all time favorites...
CD/Artist/Band/Song: Need to Breath, John Mark McMillan, Switchfoot (Jon Forman), Jack Johnson, most classical (Antonia Vivaldi, George Frideric Handle).
Actor/Actress: Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Mark Wahlberg, Johnny Depp
Season: A sunny and 85 degree one!
Place in the World: Anywhere with my wife Christina!
Place to Pray: In the morning with a cup of coffee.
Recreational Activities/Hobbies: Love the beach, fishing...and working with my hands.
Scripture: Proverbs 24:10; Mark 10:45
Sports Team: WASHINGTON REDSKINS, or as I like to refer to them, AMERICA'S TEAM.
Sport: Football
Food: oatmeal...not sure why just can't get past the texture...I do like oatmeal cookies though.
Snack Food: anything onion flavored.
Season: They're all fun in their own way!
Place in the World: Greyhound Buses at night.
Sports Team: Sorry all you guys...it would probably have to be the Dallas Cowboys....
Best thing someone said to you: I DO
Life Motto: Love Jesus, Love People Love Life....and Prov 24:10
Three People I’d Like to Meet: Darrell Green, (He is a Christian Hall of Fame football player, and yes he played for the Redskins). Our Great Great Grandchildren, this would just be really cool! And Bob Dylan, I want to ask him some questions about when he played music with Keith Green.
My Hero: My Dad, and those who give so freely of themselves to serve others for Christ's sake.
One of My Greatest Experiences with God: My 2nd semester at CFNI when God patiently drew me closer to Himself.
Most People Don’t Know This About Me: I listen to classical music in traffic jams.