
Brad Howard Lead Pastor
Area of Ministry: Lead Pastor
Family: My wife, Denise; my daughter’s, Jenni, Kati and Molli; my son, Bradley.
Saved: 1980, while I was alone in my bedroom.
Joined Lakeshore Staff: September 15, 1994
Book: The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Food: A good steak
Snack Food: Oreo Cookies, Lays Potato Chips, Chocolate Blue Bell Ice Cream
Movie: It’s a Wonderful Life
TV Shows: Travel Channel, History Channel, and ESPN.
CD/Artist/Band/Song: All That You Can't Leave Behind/Bono/U2/Beautiful Day
Actor/Actress: Jimmy Stewart/Doris Day
Season: Spring
Place in the World: A snow covered mountain with a fast ski lift.
Place to Pray: Outdoors
Recreational Activities/Hobbies: Golf, Snow Skiing, Hiking, Cooking
Scripture: Romans 8:38-39
Sports Team: The Heath Hawks (My son's school team)
Sport: Football
Best thing someone said to you: “You’re the best daddy ever!”
Life Motto: Steady plodding brings success.
Three People I’d Like to Meet: Oskar Schindler, Mother Teresa, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
My Hero: My father.
One of My Greatest Experiences with God: A supernatural encounter with God following a devastating medical report.
Most People Don’t Know This About Me: I love to drive Indy cars.