
Aaron Money Facility Manager
Area of Ministry: Facilities
Family: Aaron, Sara, Chloe, and Emily
Saved: 7 years old
Joined Lakeshore Staff: May 11, 2014
Book: Wild at Heart
Food: Cereal (any kind, any time of the day)
Snack Food: Ice Cream (any kind, any time of the day)
Movie: Remember the Titans or Rudy
TV Shows: Blacklist, Law and Order: SVU, and American Ninja Warrior
CD/Artist/Band/Song: All time favorite is Third Day
Actor/Actress: Denzel Washington
Season: Fall
Place in the World: Spain
Place to Pray: Walking around anywhere
Recreational Activities/Hobbies: All sports
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11
Sports Team: Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Stars, and Texas Rangers
Sport: Basketball and Baseball
Food: Oysters
Snack Food: Prunes
Season: None, I love them all.
Place in the World: India, I don't like curry.
Sports Team: New York Giants
Best thing someone said to you: Aaron, You can do it!!!
Life Motto: Live, Love, Laugh, Lead
Three People I’d Like to Meet: President George W Bush, Tim Tebow, Pug Rodriguez
My Hero: 1st is my Dad (Clovis Money) and 2nd is Pastor Brad Howard
One of My Greatest Experiences with God: When I was baptized at youth camp in the Gulf of Mexico, Panama City Beach
Most People Don’t Know This About Me: I worked for a chef, Ken Phillips for several years. I helped him cater Alex Rodrigues wedding and served Cal Ripkin Jr.