
Lakeshore Church


June 03 to June 06, 2024


We are excited to partner with KidsGames again this Summer for an incredibly fun 4-day event for children ages 4-12 years (ages as of 9.1.23). Think of it as day camp meets Vacation Bible School, PLUS a full range of electives to choose from such as creative cooking, Nerf wars, all kinds of sports, arts and digital media! Your kids will NOT want to miss this!

For descriptions of each available elective click here ELECTIVES

Click the link below to create a log in and get registered for KidsGames on their site.

Event Details

Day: Monday
Time: 8:30am
Location: Lakeshore Church
5575 Hwy 205 South
Rockwall, TX 75032
USA 75032
Cost: $95 per child
Contact: Wynn Alexander