
Lakeshore Church


Missions Coordinator
Tina McCollum

About Tina:

Area of Ministry: Missions / Outreach

Family: Jason, Sydney, Madi, Isabella, Lucy, and Jase 

Saved: I prayed the sinner's prayer and was baptized when I was a young child, but it was not until I was almost 18 years old that I began to have a real relationship with God and understood who He was and his love and grace for my life.

Joined Lakeshore Staff: 2008 


Book: The Bible is the book I cherish the most, but I also enjoy history and devotional books 

Food: Sushi and Mexican 

Snack Food: chocolate-covered almonds, fruit, and red hots

Movie: Elf and Nacho Libre

TV Shows:  Documentaries

CD/Artist/Band/Song: Brandon Lake, Maverick City Band. Favorite song: Amazed, Jared Anderson and Talking to Jesus, Brandon Lake

Actor/Actress: Will Ferrell

Season: Fall

Place in the World: Thrift Stores! :)

Place to Pray: My car 

Recreational Activities/Hobbies: I love to go to thrift stores and garage sales! :) I also love painting (walls and furniture) and gardening. :)

Scripture: Prov.3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."

Sports Team: We don't watch sports at our house, so I don't have one! :D

Sport: Hiking :)


Food: Onions, Italian food  

Snack Food: caramelized nuts

Season: Texas winter

Place in the World: Public Restrooms  

Sports Team: You know! :)

Best thing someone said to you: "Will you marry me?" ~ Jason McCollum 7/3/99 

Life Motto: Love God, Love Others

Three People I’d Like to Meet: Moses, Mary, James Carter (my dad's dad)

My Hero: My parents. They have shown me what it means to truly trust God and not give up. 

One of My Greatest Experiences with God: Youth Conference at Church on the Rock, 1996

Most People Don’t Know This About Me: I would love to be a midwife and work at an orphanage. I would also love to adopt a few children.  :)


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